2016年11月4日法国格勒诺布尔大学Dr. André Verdel学术报告


报 告 人: André VerdelUniversity of Grenoble, France

报告题目:LncRNA-based chromatin regulation in fission yeast and mammals




André Verdel简介

Dr. André Verdel obtained is PhD in 2002 from the Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) working on the identification and characterization of histone deacetylases, a new type of enzymes modifying the genome. He then did his post-doc at Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) in the laboratory of Pr. Danesh Moazed where he identified a complex, named RITS, which uses small RNA to target specific regions of the genome and repress gene expression. In 2005, he integrated the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientific (CNRS).

He obtained in 2007 a Career Development Award from the international Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) and started his own lab in 2008, as a young investigator laureate of the French Avenir program and supported by a competitive European Research Community (ERC) Starting Grant.

His group investigates how regulatory RNA molecules act in the nucleus, directly on chromosomes to modulate gene transcription as well as other DNA-based processes. In particular, they identified a new RNA-mediated process that imposes gene silencing at specific developmental genes in relation to environmental changes. They study regulatory RNAs using both the yeast Shizosaccharomyces pombe (a reference organism in chromatin biology) and mammalian cell lines.


Representative Publications:(研究非编码RNA介导的表观遗传机制)

1. Nucleosome positioning and transcription: fission yeast CHDremodellers make their move.EMBO J,2012

2. Mmi1 RNA surveillance machinery directs RNAi complex RITS to specificmeiotic genes in fission yeast.EMBO J,2012

3. RNAi-mediated targeting of heterochromatin by the RITS complexScience,2004


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